
Elsa The Haunted Doll

Estimated read time: 4 min
Emily Madonia, a violist from Houston, Texas, claims her daughter's doll is haunted. In December, she shared on Facebook that her daughter Aurelia was about a year old when she received the Elsa doll from Walt Disney's animated film Frozen as a Christmas present. At first, the doll only spoke and sang in English, then she began to sing on her own, sometimes in English, sometimes in Spanish. "When you press her collar, she sings 'Let It Go' in English or Spanish. Over the past two years, we've noticed that she's starting to sing on her own, even when the switch is on "off." 

Thinking a malfunction, Emily and her husband, Matt, then decided to get rid of the doll by throwing it in the trash, but Elsa mysteriously found her way home. “When we were looking for something a week later, we opened a large wooden bench in the living room and found the doll and other things on a blanket pile. Mat started screaming and I ran. He had really thrown her away. The kids couldn't get it out of the trash, but we asked them about it anyway, and they were really confused. 
Emily and Matt still wanted to get rid of the doll, but neither wanted to touch it. They discussed the issue, and Matt ultimately sacrificed himself. He put it in a garbage bag, tied it tightly, and threw it in the trash. "We pressed it in an unfilled garbage sack, put that pack INSIDE another pack brimming with rubbish, and tossed it in the lower part of our garbage bin, under a heap of different sacks. We dragged the wheelie bin to the sidewalk, and it was emptied on garbage pickup day. Great, right? Emily wrote in a second Facebook post.

The family then went on vacation, but when they returned, they discovered that the doll was waiting for them. "We weren't in town, we forgot about her," Emily shared on Facebook. "However, today Aurelia shared with me, 'Mother, I saw the Elsa doll again in the patio. Assist US With disposing OF THIS Spooky DOLL! She also shared a photo of Elsa leaning quietly against a wall in their home, and her post went viral. She then received a number of offers, from people who wanted to buy the doll, from paranormal investigators and even from the Travel Channel. Insisting that the story wasn't a hoax, she answered questions from her followers, and she considered the various possibilities that could explain the doll's movements. “Either the doll is haunted or a psychopath took it out of the trash that had already been emptied and broke into my house or property multiple times,” the statement reads.
Emily is certain that the doll is Aurelia's, and not another, because her daughter has colored it with her markers in specific places. Because I don't want to give anyone any ideas, I've never mentioned these locations online. She also explained why she didn't burn the doll, as many people had suggested to her in the comments. "Because it's useless. The doll will let go of anything inside it. You cannot destroy what is inside. Honestly, I don't know if any of that bullshit is true. But I wanted the doll to leave my property as soon as possible. I was tired of her coming back and hiding in strange places. 

Eventually, Chris Hogan, a friend who lives over two thousand five hundred miles from her home, offered to take care of the presumed haunted doll, and she immediately accepted. Emily, who thinks she's gotten a little paranoid, sent Elsa to her asking her to check for markers on arrival to make sure the doll was indeed her daughter's. She only spoke Spanish recently, regardless of where the button was positioned. The last thing she did when I put it in the box to mail it to my friend was laugh for thirty seconds. This was the first time she had ever done it.

Chris, who describes himself as a skeptic who does not believe in ghosts or magic, explained on Twitter that he was happy to have the doll in his home. “I just offered to take the doll because I thought it was funny that she sent it 2,500 kilometers away to get rid of it. He taped Elsa to the front of his Jeep, and he promised to let Emily know if the doll ever showed up somehow.
Emily is relieved to have gotten rid of Elsa, and she hopes never to see her again. ""In the end, I'm just a mother, a violinist, a woman, and a normal person who doesn't want to be called "the woman with the haunted doll" forever. I am however fascinated by the unknown and this whole experience has been quite entertaining. But I'm very happy that the doll is no longer there and I hope it stays that way. 

تعليق واحد

  1. Now I am Scared Of Elsa
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