
15 Haunted Places In Colorado USA


Colorado has a dark side as well as beautiful vistas and an adventurous mentality. Behind the stunning backdrop are haunted stories that have long piqued the interest of both locals and visitors. Colorado is littered with creepy locales that might give you the chills, from eerie motels to ghostly hospitals. This article will explore the top 15 haunted locations in Colorado, taking you on a spooky tour of the area's paranormal attractions.

The Stanley Hotel in Estes Park, which was made popular by Stephen King's book "The Shining," is well known for its spectral occupants, notably Freelan Oscar Stanley, the hotel's first owner.

2. The Masonic Memorial Park in Central City:
This cemetery, where pioneers of the gold rush are buried, is thought to be haunted by ghosts seeking retribution for crimes committed during that time.

3. Denver's The Oxford Hotel
This Victorian-era hotel, built in 1891, is the scene of unusual happenings, including flickering lights and ghostly apparitions.

4. Cheesman Park in Denver: This peaceful park has a shadowy past as it was constructed over an old graveyard, leaving behind restless ghosts that are said to materialize as spectral apparitions.

5. Molly Brown House Museum, Denver: Once the home of the well-known Titanic survivor Molly Brown, this museum is rumored to be haunted by Molly herself, who manifests her presence through paranormal activities.

6. The Buckhorn Exchange, Denver: The Buckhorn Exchange, Denver's oldest restaurant, is said to be frequented by the ghosts of former cowboys and trappers, who leave a lingering sense of the Wild West.

7. The Teller House, Central City: This ancient inn and casino is said to be haunted by a number of ghosts, including miners and Henry Teller's ghost.

8. Hotel Colorado, Glenwood Springs: Sightings of ghosts and unusual noises have been reported in this opulent hotel; it is thought that these are the ghosts of former visitors who never really left.

9. Colorado Springs' Gold Camp Road
This road, which was once a railroad, is covered in unsettling tales of apparitions, dark figures, and spooky lights that enthrall and frighten passersby.

10. Riverdale Road near Thornton, often known as the "Gates of Hell," is infamous for being the scene of terrifying encounters with ghosts, demons, and other paranormal beings.

11. Gilpin County Jail Museum, Central City: Formerly a bustling jailhouse, this museum now reportedly houses the ghosts of previous convicts who murmur and leave behind a creepy feeling.

12. The Molly Brown Summer House, Denver: This historic home is situated on Capitol Hill and is rumored to be haunted by the ghost of Molly Brown, who loved to spend her summers there.

13. The Imperial Hotel in Cripple Creek: There have been stories of poltergeist activity and ghostly apparitions at this century-old hotel, which also welcomes lingering spirits.

14. The Pioneer Museum, Colorado Springs: This museum is claimed to be haunted by previous prisoners, judges, and even a ghostly dog. It is housed in the former El Paso County Courthouse.

15. The Miramont Castle in Manitou Springs is purportedly haunted by the original owners, who apparently manifest as apparitions or move objects inexplicably.


For those who are interested in the paranormal, Colorado's haunted locations provide an intriguing and eerie escape. Exploring the state's eerie past is sure to give you the shivers, whether you have a paranormal encounter or just appreciate hearing the ghost stories connected with these places. Colorado exposes a side that goes beyond its stunning surroundings, making it an appealing destination for both thrill-seekers and paranormal fans. These include historic hotels with scary pasts, haunted highways, and cemeteries.

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