
20 Haunted Places In Illinois USA

Estimated read time: 4 min

The "Prairie State," Illinois, has a long history and a wide variety of haunted places. This state is full of paranormal lore and unexplained happenings, from ancient cemeteries to closed mental institutions. Here are 20 haunted locations in Illinois that are likely to give you the chills if you enjoy thrills or are just interested in the supernatural.

1. Bachelor's Grove Cemetery: Situated in the Chicago suburbs, this deserted cemetery is notorious for its unsettling reports of ghostly figures, odd lights, and a phantom farmhouse that periodically reappears.

2. Congress Plaza Building: This historic building is located in the heart of Chicago and is rumored to be haunted by a number of ghosts, including those of a small boy and a woman wearing a white dress.

3. Ashmore Estates: Once a psychiatric facility and an almshouse, this deserted structure in Ashmore is thought to be haunted by the ghosts of former inmates.

4. Colonial Theater: Said to be haunted by the spirit of a vaudeville performer who perished in a fire in the early 20th century, this Pittsfield theater is located.

5. Lincoln's Tomb: In Springfield, the location of Abraham Lincoln's final resting place, there are rumors of paranormal activities, including ghostly footsteps and whispering.

6. Jane Addams Hull-Home Museum: The eminent social reformer Jane Addams, who established the settlement home, is said to be a ghost at this Chicago historical site.

7. Rockford College: This school has been the scene of numerous ghost sightings, including the restless ghosts of past students and a ghostly woman wearing a white dress.

8. The abandoned Joliet jail is said to be haunted by the ghosts of former inmates, which adds to the spooky ambiance. The jail has a sordid history.

9. The Country House Restaurant in Clarendon Hills is reputed to be haunted by the ghost of a young child who tragically perished during the establishment of the restaurant.

10. McPike Mansion, in Alton, is renowned for its paranormal activity, which includes shadow figures, sounds that don't belong to anyone, and items that move by themselves.

11. Hull House: This historic settlement house is located in Chicago and is said to be haunted by the ghost of a little child as well as other weird happenings like doors slamming shut and abrupt temperature drops.

12. Red Lion Tavern: This well-liked Chicago tavern in Lincoln Park is said to be haunted by a number of ghosts, including a past owner and a mischievous ghost that enjoys moving things around.

13. Resurrection Cemetery: In Justice, a well-known spectral presence dubbed "Resurrection Mary" is rumored to haunt this cemetery. She frequently disappears into thin air after being sighted hitchhiking around neighboring Archer Avenue.

14. Moon Point Cemetery: This remote cemetery, located in Germantown Hills, is renowned for its unusual events, including moving monuments, unsettling footsteps, and illuminating orbs.

15. Greenwood Cemetery in Decatur is said to be haunted by the ghost of a young girl who can be seen swinging in the nearby park even late at night.

16. Peoria State Hospital: Also called Bartonville Insane Asylum, this closed mental institution has a reputation for being haunted due to its gloomy past and numerous accounts of paranormal experiences.

17. The Bullock Hotel: Located in Mineral Point, this ancient inn is thought to be haunted by the ghost of a previous owner, who frequently manifests as a glowing ball or object in motion.

18. John C. Flanagan House Museum: A past owner's ghost is rumored to haunt this Victorian-style home in Rock Island. Unusual footsteps and noises have been observed by staff members and visitors.

19. Rosehill Cemetery in Chicago is said to be haunted by a number of ghosts, including the ghost of a young child who is frequently spotted playing around her grave.

20. Bachelor's Grove Woods: This forest region, which is next to the Bachelor's Grove Cemetery, is renowned for its eerie chanting noises, apparitions, and light orbs.

Whether or not you believe in ghosts, these haunted locations in Illinois provide an intriguing window into the paranormal world. If you're feeling brave, explore the spooky nooks of the Prairie State and learn about the terrifying legends and strange occurrences that surround these haunted places. Just keep in mind to exercise caution when visiting these locations and be ready for a paranormal encounter that can cause you to wonder where the lines between this world and the afterlife are drawn.

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