
20 Most Haunted Places In Connecticut


Connecticut is a state steeped in history and charm, from its picturesque towns to its historic landmarks. However, beyond its charming exterior, there is a sinister and enigmatic side with haunted stories that have long fascinated both locals and tourists. Connecticut is home to several creepy places that could give you the shivers, from eerie cemeteries to haunted mansions. This article will explore the top 20 haunted locations in Connecticut, taking you on a spooky tour of the area's paranormal attractions.

1. Union Cemetery, Easton: Popularly referred to as "The White Lady Cemetery," Union Cemetery is reported to be haunted by the ghosts of other wandering spirits as well as a ghostly woman clad in white.

2. Dudleytown, Cornwall: Dudleytown, which was abandoned in the 1800s, is reputed to be one of the most haunted locations in the state. It is renowned for its ominous past, unexplained disappearances, and unsettling presence.

3. Seaside Sanatorium, Waterford: This abandoned former tuberculosis hospital is said to be haunted by the victims who tragically passed away there.

4. Mark Twain House, Hartford: The eponymous author Mark Twain's former home is rumored to be haunted by both Twain and his daughter Susy Clemens, who passed away there.

5. Fairfield Hills State Facility, Newtown: There have been claims of odd noises, apparitions, and a haunted underground tunnel system at this old psychiatric facility, which is thought to be haunted by former inmates.

6. Captain Grant's Inn, Poquetanuck: This ancient inn was built in 1754 and is rumored to be haunted by the ghost of Captain William Grant, a former owner who passed away inexplicably.

7. Sterling Opera Theatre, Derby: This opera theater has been abandoned since 1945 and is said to be haunted by a number of ghosts, including a previous stage manager, the naughty spirit "Fred," and a lady in white.

8. Huguenot House, New London: This colonial-era home is supposed to be haunted by the ghost of a French Huguenot woman who formerly lived there, as well as other ghosts from the structure's ghastly past.

9. Phelps Tavern in Simsbury, which was built in 1786, is thought to be haunted by the ghost of Abigail Pettibone, the tragically murdered wife of a previous owner.

10. Norwich State Hospital, Preston: This shuttered mental institution is renowned for its creepy ambiance and stories of paranormal activity, including shadow figures and disembodied voices.

11. Old Newgate Prison, East Granby: Once a copper mine and subsequently a prison, Old Newgate is buried in tragedy, ghost stories, and accounts of eerie encounters.

12. Little People's Village, Middlebury: This place is said to be haunted by the ghosts of individuals who once lived there. It is an abandoned miniature village that was once home to a wealthy family.

13. The Witch's Dungeon, Bristol: This museum devoted to vintage horror movies is said to be haunted by the ghosts of the actors and actresses who appeared in the displays, which gives the place a spooky feel.

14. Gillette Castle State Park, East Haddam: This castle-like residence was built by actor William Gillette in 1919, and it is rumored to be home to Gillette's ghost as well as other enigmatic apparitions.

15. Seaside Inn, Niantic: Guests have reported having spooky experiences and encounters at this Victorian-era inn, which is said to be haunted by a past owner and other ghostly apparitions.

16. Nathan Hale Homestead, Coventry: It is said that the spirit of the American patriot Nathan Hale, who was executed as a spy during the Revolutionary War, is still present in the house where he once lived.

17. Fairfield Theatre Company, Fairfield: This theater has a reputation for being haunted by a mischievous spirit due to reports of unusual noises, flickering lights, and ghostly sightings.

18. The Sterling House in Stratford, which is now a museum, is rumored to be haunted by Elizabeth Sterling's ghost as well as other ghosts from its colorful past.

19. The Curtis House Inn, Woodbury: This venerable inn from 1736 is said to be haunted by the ghost of a young girl who sadly perished there.

The Hartford Conservatory in Hartford, which once served as a music school, is said to be haunted by the spirit of a little child who can be heard playing the piano.


The spooky locations in Connecticut provide a window into the state's creepy and enigmatic past. Exploring these haunted places may be an exciting and eerie experience, whether you are a true believer in the paranormal or simply love hearing ghost stories. Connecticut has a variety of eerie places to visit, including old cemeteries, ruined asylums, and historic houses. Set out on an adventure into the unknown, but be ready for encounters with ghostly figures, odd noises, and a creepy vibe. The curious and brave might have a chillingly unique experience by visiting one of Connecticut's haunted locations.

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