
Ashley's Haunted Dolls

Ash Pet Blogger
Ashley would be able to communicate with the dead from a young age. The young woman has been collecting haunted dolls for many years, but recently two of them allegedly attacked her boyfriend.

Recently Ashley Nicole-Fine, a 24-year-old young woman passionate about the paranormal, set up a special room in her house to store her extraordinary collection of haunted dolls. Previously, all these dolls, Ashley has a hundred of them, always stayed in her room, but some of them allegedly attacked her new boyfriend, Philip Baston, 25, who then asked her to move them and the young wife would have consented. She explains: "Philip would wake up with scratch marks that he didn't have when he went to bed. They weren't huge and few in number but they were quite concerning and I needed to know who was doing this.
Ashley would then have discussed with her dolls, and two of them, Mirabella and her friend Setha, would have confessed to her the facts. The incriminated dolls would be haunted by the spirit of women murdered by their lovers, and they would have kept a stubborn grudge against all men, without distinction. Mirabella was strangled by a jealous lover and she told me she was thrown into a lake. " 

Ashley, a resident of Leeds, Alabama, has been collecting dolls since she was eight years old. At the age of twelve, she obtained Violet, her first haunted doll. She thinks Violet is inhabited by the spirit of a little girl named Angie, who died in the early 1500s." When I got her, at first I had a vision in my sleep about how from which she died. The little girl, Angie, was having dinner with her family and someone came. I guessed they had been shot or something because I saw them all sitting down for dinner then there was a loud crash and I got an image of a doll in a pool of blood . 

The next morning, when she woke up, Ashley noticed that Violet, whom she had placed next to her on her pillow, had disappeared. I found her in the middle of the floor, face up, in exactly the same position as she had in the dream. It was very exciting. I'm not easily frightened when this kind of thing happens because it happens often. " 

Violet would occasionally play the music box hidden in her body, and Lullaby 's melancholic notes would float inexplicably through the house. Still, according to Ashley: "You have to make an effort to turn the little key in her back and start the music, because she's a pretty old doll. There is no physical explanation for this. 

The young woman believes that she has had the gift of communicating with the dead since she was young because her mother often found her babbling, staring oddly at the ceiling or a corner of the room. Sandy, Ashley's mother, has never been embarrassed by her daughter's interest in the paranormal, unlike other family members who are deeply uncomfortable with her singular passion.

Ashley feels that with her, the dolls feel free to tell their stories, some of which would be real tragedies. Her most recent acquisition, Annabelle, a doll given to her as a birthday present by her boyfriend's aunt, is said to be inhabited by the spirit of a little girl. I don't know if she was haunted when I got her, but she certainly is now. Maybe being near my other dolls, who are very active, has led to his obsession. Having haunted dolls in the house opens a portal to the other side. I have always been a beacon for the spirits. Surely that helped bring her in.

Annabelle reportedly started moving a few weeks after her arrival, moving mysteriously whenever Ashley's back was turned. The young woman would then have started to hear the laughter of an unknown little girl emanating from the room with the dolls, and she would have understood that Annabelle was haunted. Ashley claims: "I am quite familiar with all of their chuckles, but I started to hear another one. It had to be Annabelle. However, they never laugh when I'm in the room. They don't like to show themselves when I stay there.

I live with my partner and our dogs, so it can't be anyone else. There are houses nearby, but they are not close enough for me to hear the laughter from my home. 

As Annabelle seemed visibly haunted, Ashley then decided to communicate with the doll's spirit, a practice she still engages in in the room where they are stored. The dolls room has more energy, so I'm going to sit there cross-legged on the floor with the doll against me, either holding her like a baby or putting her hand on me, that that helps older minds. The younger ones don't mind being held like babies because they are a little bit, but the older ones don't like that sort of thing at all. 

During her sessions, Ashley closes her eyes and imagines herself floating in a bubble surrounded by a white light, which is supposed to protect her from dark forces, in the company of the doll. When you call on a spirit, you run the risk of attracting the attention of something that is not good at all. I don't want that in my house so I surround myself with light. If there is something dark in a doll, then I remove it immediately.

The young woman would then have discovered that the spirit of a ten-year-old girl, who was once the daughter of an Alabama planter, had taken refuge in the Annabelle doll and a "waking" vision would have taught her that the little girl had come to a tragic end, killed by her own brother. After the vision, I did my best to calm her down, but she was very angry. I tell all my dolls they're safe now, they don't have to be scared, they don't have to anymore. 

At the moment, she doesn't think Annabelle is evil, but two of her dolls would be very negative, not to say bad. Yet, despite their disturbing actions, if Ashley had to choose between her boyfriend and her haunted dolls, she would keep the latter, which she considers her children. “I've had my daughters longer than Philip. I love my dolls more than anything in life. He knows I would pick them over anyone.

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